Bring your dreams

A free 10-day challenge for you to transform dormant dreams into remarkable outcomes.

October 7th - 16th, 2024

Is there a dream you’ve been holding onto for a long time, only to see it pushed aside time and time again?

If you’re a woman ready to prioritize your own happiness and achieve big goals, this program is designed for you.

Over ten transformative days, you’ll gain clarity on your vision, break it down into achievable steps, and take inspired action.

When was the last time you truly created?

Is your heart curious to try something new? Perhaps you’ve longed to bring a dream to life, yet it remains a distant fantasy, always set aside for “someday.”  

I get it — you’ve been busy managing responsibilities, taking care of others, and making ends meet. With so many demands on your time, money, and energy, pursuing your dream may seem impossible. 

Yet, that dream persists, whether it’s launching a new career, finding true love, or embarking on a creative endeavor. You’re curious what’s possible, eager to challenge yourself, and yearning for a profound sense of fulfillment.

You might continue to push the dream aside while focusing on current obligations, but the restlessness is growing stronger.

If it’s your calling, it will keep calling. 

How much longer will you delay your aspirations? What is the cost of staying put and wondering “what if?” Imagine getting clear on your goals, learning a 10-step process for achieving them, and confidently taking inspired action. 

Your dream is important. Your heart knows now is the time. Embrace the opportunity to transform your vision into reality with guidance and support.

This is an exquisite invitation for dreamers, creatives, and ambitious women who are ready to experience life in a completely new way.

Welcome to The Backburner to Breakthrough Challenge 2024

This is the moment when your unfulfilled dreams become your roadmap to truly living.

I invite you to a FREE transformative experience where you’ll connect with the essence of creation and achievement.

If your dream feels stagnant or lacks momentum, let’s shift the energetics.


During this challenge, we’ll use guided visualizations and activation exercises to uncover your personal patterns, so you can become a vibrational match with your goals. We’ll address the challenges that arise when you back down from your dream, lose focus, or get distracted.


Using my 10-step process over ten days you’ll learn the formula for accomplishing big things. The time is now. Join a supportive sisterhood of women rekindling their creative spirit with clarity and confidence.

What's included:

  • 10-step process for achieving big goals

    Whether you have a dream in mind or simply want more, we’ll start by identifying one main goal. Then, each day, we’ll build on the previous step until you’ve learned the full process and can repeat it for any goal in every area of life.

  • Guided visualizations

    Shift the energetics around your dream by tapping into the fields of creativity and achievement. Vividly imagine your success to align your mindset with that desired outcome.

  • Achievement activations

    Engage in simple, daily exercises designed to jump-start your action. These activities help you build momentum to create tangible results.

  • Supportive community

    Join a community of like-minded women who are also working towards their goals. Share experiences and be encouraged by others who appreciate the importance of your personal endeavor. 

  • Inspirational Interviews

    Each day, in addition to sharing the next step of the process, I’ll introduce a guest speaker who excels at it, so you can learn from her experiences and incorporate her wisdom.

  • Complimentary 1:1 session

    (only for active participants)

    Each day, there will be an opportunity for those who join live or catch the replays and share their journey in the Facebook group to win one free 1:1 call with Catherine Harris.

Guest Speakers

  • Cora Poage


    Sunday 10/6

  • Ruth Kent


    Monday 10/7 at 10am PT

  • Hannah McKitrick


    Tuesday 10/8 at 10am PT

  • Leah Gillis


    Wednesday 10/9 at 10am PT

  • Val Cap


    Thursday 10/10 at 10am PT

  • Susan Woodford


    Friday 10/11 at 10am PT

  • Stefanie Rapoza


    Friday 10/11 at 10:30am PT

  • Michelle Drewes


    Friday 10/11 at 11am PT

  • Julie Ulstrup


    Monday 10/14 at 10am PT

  • Lynan Saperstein


    Tuesday 10/15 at 10am PT

  • Jenn Johnson


    Wednesday 10/16 at 10am PT

Event Details:


October 7-16, 2024


Virtual gatherings online (registered participants will receive the link)


Weekday Calls at 6AM PT (no gatherings on the weekend) to introduce each of the ten steps with Catherine Harris

Weekday Calls at 10AM PT (no gatherings on the weekend) to share the wisdom of our Guest Speakers


Video recordings of the calls will be made available throughout the duration of the free event (and for one week after) for registered participants. Lifetime access to the content will also be made available for a nominal fee.

Hello! I’m Catherine Harris, and I am excited to be your guide on this free 10-day challenge to transform dormant dreams into remarkable outcomes.

I am on a mission to help women embody the wisdom of their favorite future-self, so they can create the life she enjoys!

Years ago, I found myself living a beautiful life — a good relationship, fun job, charming apartment, healthy bank account, and steady stream of invitations to the best events in town — yet I felt a growing sense of restlessness. I didn’t know exactly what needed to change, but I wanted to create a new life where I could feel more alive. I had outgrown my previous dreams and wanted more. I yearned for a deeper love, a more rewarding career, and a path less predictable. 

For a long time, I ignored my desires for more, feeling ashamed I was unsatisfied. However, my restlessness eventually turned into an indescribable sense of claustrophobia within my daily life. Despite being scared to risk everything, I finally listened to my inner voice. I ended my 7-year relationship, left my awesome job, and moved to New York City (a childhood dream). It was a giant leap into the unknown. Though my savings were dwindling, and my biological clock was ticking, I found a profound sense of fulfillment in embracing uncertainty and following my heart. 

That season of challenge was transformative. I was building new skills, forging new connections, and expanding my horizons. It was then that I truly understood the power of turning distant dreams into extraordinary realities. 

Since then, I follow my heart without hesitation — even when (especially when) it seems risky or illogical. Now, I am Owner of two successful businesses, Wife of an amazing man, Mother of an adorable 4-year old, and I enjoy the flexibility to be my favorite self in every aspect of life.

Not everyone needs to risk it all to feel fulfilled, but that was my initiation to becoming the heart-centered guide I am today. Looking back, I’ve achieved my biggest most fulfilling dreams (and all the smaller goals along the way) by following the ten steps I now teach in this free online event. 

Let’s embark on this journey together and make your dormant dreams come alive!


 This event is an expanded version of the popular process to “Ask-Believe-Receive”, providing more guidance around the development of belief

Sunday 10/6

                Awakening your Intuition with Cora Poage, Inner Life Coach and Heart Whisperer

Monday 10/7: 

                6am PT = Step 1: ASK with Catherine Harris

                10am PT = Ruth Kent, Break the bound Barriers - Live in Abundance

Tuesday 10/8:

                6am PT = Step 2: VISUALIZE with Catherine Harris

                10am PT = Hannah McKitrick, Intuitive Wellness and Culinary Coach

Wednesday 10/9: 

                6am PT = Step 3: RESEARCH with Catherine Harris

                10am PT = Leah Gillis, Journalist and Astrologer

Thursday 10/10:

                6am PT = Step 4: CONNECT with Catherine Harris

                10am PT = Val Cap, Business Mentor

Friday 10/11:

                6am PT = Step 5/6/7: ACT / PAUSE / OPEN with Catherine Harris

                10am PT = Susan Woodford, Sculptor

                10:30am PT = Stefanie Rapoza, Fine Artist

                11am PT = Michelle Drewes, Realtor

Monday 10/14:

                6am PT = Step 8: TEST with Catherine Harris

                10am = Julie Ulstrup, America’s Encore Career Expert

Tuesday 10/15:

                6am PT = Step 9: RECEIVE with Catherine Harris

                10am = Lynan Saperstein, Higher Realms Guide

Wednesday 10/16:

                6am = Step 10: MAINTAIN with Catherine Harris

                10am = Jenn Johnson, Certified Life Coach

By following this 10-step process, you'll not only learn to achieve your main goal but also develop a powerful framework for tackling any future aspirations. The combination of visualizations, actionable steps, community support, and continuous learning will set you on a path to sustained success.


  • “The 10 day challenge was EXACTLY what I needed to help me align with what I want...I took responsibility for everything that was showing up and Catherine helped me shake it off with these awesome 10 Steps I'm gonna keep 4 life. Thanks Catherine for your generosity 🙏🏿”

    - R.N.

  • “Well I have to tell you every day something amazing manifested - my goals are around money … I also want a long term relationship and wonderful supportive relationships and health. … Well, I’ve had big and small gains around all this … So yes, lots of amazing things are happening - dreams come true stuff - and also pressures of things to manifest. … Im glad to say I’m up working, eating well, feeling positive and taking steps and action … The class every morning has been such a great change in my routine and you and the women are so helpful. … Also, your meditations are so amazing. You’re good at it… it’s a gift and you have it. … Anyway, thanks again so much.”

    - L.G.

  • “Hi Cathy! I wanted to reach out to you and thank you for all the advice you gave me before maternity leave. I was able to go through labor drug free and I have you to thank for that! So thank you”

    - D.H.

  • “Today’s activation sealed all of this for me. I felt SURE I am on the Right Path. Thank You Cathy.”

    - C.C.

  • “Thank you for this container, Catherine. I'm piggybacking off this momentum we created here to start waking up at 5am. Y'all motivated me and there's no one day I dreaded waking up...that's huge for me”

    - R.N.

  • “I did something before my coffee! This has been such a pleasure and very transformational 🥰 Love you all!!”

    - A.V.

It’s time.

Follow your heart. I’ve got you.